Tuesday 6 November 2012

Still Life 2 Natural forms

I chose 2 fruits with similar shape but different texture for this composition. An apple and an orange. As in the previous one I used only the 8B pencil.I tried to create some sort of  line for for the arrangement. I feel as if the textures of the 2 are to similar  and that without the form they could not be distinguished. I didn't stress too much on the composition, but unlike in the previous one more importance has been put on the perspective.

Still Life 1 Man made forms

Morning coffee at a friend. Since i didn't really know what objects to use and I didn't want to go just for the standard bowl, or things like that I ask a friend for help again. So I took over his kitchen. I set up the coffee cup the spoon but the composition was still missing something so I added 2 dices which I then drew as sugar. The I arranged the cup near a the widow and positioned it so i could get a strong shadow. After I was satisfied with the composition I also took a photo of it so I could finish it with the initial shadow. I worked only with an 8B pencil. I drew a few sketches first, and then i chose then one which looked the best to finish it. Since i started working on the shading about 2 hours after taking the photo and then finished the shading at home it may seem as if there's more then just one light source.


This image is not a perfect replica. The industrial background was added because I considered that normal building wouldn't have given the atmosphere I wanted to create. I chose to do it from a 1 point perspective and in a illustrative manner because it was in my opinion the best way to recreate that cold feeling.
The industrial structures create an imaginary line of where the horizon line is suppose to be.
Even though we were told not to have half cut objects in the scene I chose to experiment for one with the first lamp. I was trying to recreate the feeling of an never ending road and of loneliness. Shadows on the side way are there just to sustain the from. And the road/river, I tried to let the viewer decide what to make out of it by shading it at an angel.

Light & Shadow

It was really sunny and this girl with really strong red lips passed by me. Since I liked the way they reflected i asked her to stop for a moment. I told her that I needed do draw something on light and shadows for my drawing module and asked here if i could draw her lips. She laughed at first but in the end was ok with it, so we took a sit i drew a couple of sketches of her lips the took a photo so i could finish the drawing home.
Due to the gloss some parts of the lips were really highlighted. The weren't really proper shadows but I  considered that the resulting contrast was good exactly what I needed for this course, since as you can define a form just through light and shadow u can also define it trough the difference in contrast.



Since this would be my first attempt in drawing, I thought I should choose something simplistic, since I discovered that going directly for something as complex as buildings is to much of a jump for me.
Hence I asked a friend to let me draw his bedroom. I asked him to help me move the bed and the nightstand so I could get an interesting composition.

It took me around 4 hours to complete the drawing. It was done from a wall leaning position since i considered this to give me a stronger perspective. Since the scene was small I aimed for a 2 point perspective, which can be easily seen at the mirror and at the bed which because of the sharper angels compared to the rest of the drawing.