Sunday 6 January 2013

Finished Nude

The light was coming mostly from the left of the model. This resulted in the strong shadow. I chose to use coal for the shadow formed by the body. The chest is being pushed upwards so the shape of the body becomes stronger. Since i had trouble drawing the left hand and the hair i made the vanish in the shadow. This created an interesting, even though not intended effect. I could have put more work on the face of i have a feeling that the jaw is not symmetric and that the ayes are a bit different. The chest on the other hand is really well done the soft shadows around it give a really feminine vibe.

Finished Still Life

I wanted to compose this scene with objects that had different textures. I wanted to have at least on transparent object and different shapes. The way the objects are set up is based on the height. Only on lights source has been used which was provided by a lamp.
I'm generally satisfied with the outcome, but i think some extra work on the reflections on the bottle would have been good. What i like the most is the shadow from the stick, and the fact that the bottle has really good defined form with the help of the shadows.

Finished Landscape

This is a drawing starting from a view of Istanbul, I chose to do it in an impressionistic style. I even tried playing with some words in the drawing drawing 3 groups of buildings with graffiti words. The main focus of the drawing is the mosque. The Island is moved closer then in reality, and I've added more buildings. I'm very satisfied with the water. The horizon is clearly defined by the meeting of the sky and the water. I chose to use some colors for the sky in order to create a second point of focus. The eye is being led from the mosque, to the sun and then you end up staring at the see, which has a calming effect.



I chose to draw the muscles in the classic Dragon Ball still. The face is inspired by a skinny friend with which I used to do martial marts back home. I chose to concentrated more on the shape of the muscle then on it's realism. And I also wanted to get that strong V shape a man should have.


 I was kind of happy starting to draw people. Since I drew manga/anime characters it took me a few days of random drawing to get used to it again but i managed somehow :)
Since I what to draw as my detail life drawing a women, I've chosen to only use a girl characters for posing. The characters are not based on a real person, I just started drawing and ended up with something sweet. I used only basic poses, couldn't help myself but go really anime-ish with a katana on the last one.